Social Media - Networking Policy and Procedure
While a lender's social media presence can expose a company to substantial risk, the demand for access to social media by marketing personnel within a company can be too great to resist. In this case, the best alternative is to work to control social media interaction with concise, effective procedures.
Loan originators believe, correctly or incorrectly, that social media is a business development tool. In fact, social media should be part of an effective search engine optimization strategy.
Social Media Policy Includes:
See advertising checklist for commercial messages
Loan originators believe, correctly or incorrectly, that social media is a business development tool. In fact, social media should be part of an effective search engine optimization strategy.
Social Media Policy Includes:
- What a social media policy does
- What you can and cannot do as an employee
- Examples of acceptable communication
- Examples of unacceptable communication
- Procedures for posting company specific information
See advertising checklist for commercial messages